
July 20, 2008


I am so frustrated with my doctor! She hasnt listened to a word I have said and so now I am forced to switch doctors. I believe she has me on way too much thyroid medicine which is making me feel lightheaded, heart racing, higher blood pressure, and just more anxious. I have had this happen years ago and they almost put me in the hospital because of it. Once they took my dose down from 100 mcg to 25 mcg I felt 100% better! She tells me "its just your anxiety" but I KNOW its not! When I don't take the thyroid med I don't feel like that! The only anxiety I am having right now is due to the fact that she wants to keep me on this med instead of lowering the dose. She didn't even think of maybe switching the med all together. Three months ago she told me the same thing and I though "maybe it is my anxiety so let me try it again" and AGAIN I felt like I was on way too much medicine. Oh, and then she said that my blood pressure, which was 123/80 was way too high. That isnt that high! And that number was higher than usualy because of the stress I have been feeling on this med! Geez....
I don't understand why doctors won't listen. I mean she is a great doctor but for some reason she just won't listen to me and thinks that "this is the way it is and that's all there is to it". Give me a break. I know I have problems with anxiety but I also know how to deal with it and calm myself down when it comes up. This, I can't control when I am on it.
I am sorry to keep going on and on but I am just so frustrated. She gave me refills for the next three months but I am going to try to get into this new doctor tomarrow and see what he says. My mom goes to him and LOVES him so hopefully he will listen to me and how I am feeling.

July 14th, 2008

Just an ordinary weekend (with a bday party)

Sorry for not writing more! I am really trying to get another website up and running so I am spending a lot of time on that as well as trying to learn HTML AND CSS codes!

Ryans birthday was on the 10th and we just had his party on Saturday. It was fun and we had a good turn out! He got so many presents that I spent part of the day throwing old toys out and reorganizing his room! Its amazing how many toys this boy has! But he will be our only so I am spoiling him while I can (as long as he is behaving) :)

BTW: We got AT&T UVerse and LOVE it! Its amazing how we can record 4 tv shows at a time! Plus it has 400 channels and such a great picture!


July 4th, 2008
Happy 4th of July! Its amazing how time goes by! Ryan will be 2 on the 10th!
Its amazing how much a two year old's birthday party can cost! We are keeping it down this year but on presents alone I have already spent way too much! I actually did the smart thing though and started buying presents at the beginning of the year. I told Joe if I buy one present a pay day or even a month for birthday and Christmas then we aren't spending it all in one lump sum and it also seems to save us money in the long run. The only downfall is having a stack of present on my side of the closet to maneuver around. And my little Ryan got into the closet one day when I had the gate down and ran out with one of his presents! He probably thought he had it the jack pot! It was funny and we let him keep the present of course. I am actually looking forward the the terrible two (hopefully not too terrible). I am looking forward to really potty training as well as him talking more! Even though my friend said that "for the first couple years you teach them how to walk and talk and from then on your telling them to sit down and be quiet!" Its funny when you realize how ironic it is.

Whatever the future holds in the Magic 8 Ball
June 28, 2008

So (there I go again) I have been thinking about this blog and the design of it as well as what I want to do once Ryan is in school. What do the two have to do with eachother you ask? Well, I figured that as much as I love blogging and designing the blog I should look into web design! I am also going to take my blogging more seriously. I am currently looking into transfering over to WordPress where I can get an actually website name as well as hiring someone to design it. Then, maybe I can then learn how to make some mula (money) off of it but renting advertising space or whatever they do. I figured that I have a couple more years to figure it out and learn more about the process but you can never start to early! If I did this I could look into just doing it as a side job as well as my writing and then still be home a lot with Ryan. I guess we will see...

Ryan had an interesting night last night. Since he is almost two I guess he has decided to take the form of evil knivel! Last night while at my parents he was running full speed ahead with his eyes closed...yes, I said closed. He usually does this at a slower speed and opening them periodically to make sure he isnt going to run into anything. Well, last night he went straight into a corner on the wall and busted his lip open and had a HUGE knot on his head. We thought at first that he needed stitches on his lip because it was so bad but after Joe (firefighter) got a closer look at it he said it would be okay. He probably also got a concusion because he hit his head so hard! We kept an eye on him for a couple hours afterwards and then came home and put him to sleep. Thank God this morning his know was gone but with a nasty briuse and he doesnt have a fat lip but only a nasty cut. It was scary because this was the first time we thought we might have to take him to the hospital! Of course Mommys anxiety was up! Thank God for Joe because he makes me feel so stable and grounded! I know that he knows what he is talking about and its just amazing how much I depend on him.
Loving the Olympic Trials which are actually on right now! I will give the updates in the next couple days after this weekends trials are over....
I am upset about the Mens Gymnastics Team.....


June 21, 2008

I am having trouble with my blog so if it looks different when you visit next time its because I am trying to work on it :) I am also not sure about the background. I like it but it may be whats messing up everything else.

Anyways, hopefully with yall I will be watching the Olympic Trials which are airing today! I know, I know, your probably tired reading about the Olympics but it only happens (well in the summer) EVER 4 YEARS! So forgive me for soaking it all up while its here! I am driving my husband crazy! First he must be the ONLY man in America that hates sports but worse for him his wife (me) loves every type of sports but golf and tennis!

I also have recently caught up with the rest of the women in America and finally watched Sex and the City. With all the hype about the movie and hearing about it on the View how could I not? I ordered the first season on Netflix and am now hooked! I love Carrie whose got the world's best job and lives in the city! I have always wanted to go to New York but also live there. The thought of not having a car or car payment and walking everywhere is very attractive to me! But I do love it here in TX of course :) Even with a car payment :) Anyways, I also wanted to watch it because the same women who wrote Sex and the City also wrote Lipstick Jungle. If you know me you know I LOVE Lipstick Jungle and can not wait until the second season to come out.